Meeting Motion

Installation and publication, Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen, 2023

Materials: biezen (rush), canadian popular, phytoplankton

"Meeting motion" is an immersive installation exploring the different materials connected to Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen and their connection to change within the landscape of the Netherlands.

The installation consists of a space that the visitor crawls into through a curtain of biezen after which they take a seat on a cushion made out of biezen and canadian popular. In the middle of the space stands a lit up tank with phytoplankton in it. The phytoplankton are being stirred around every 10 minutes which darkens the room after which the space gradually gets lighter as the phytoplankton settle.

“Today we leave for the west. The wind is inland, which means that the current is favorable for beachcombing in places where the coastal cities once were, funny that we still call it beachcombing even without a beach. Some of our group would prefer to move north to collect some seaweed to dry for winter provision, but the others also allowed us some fun before we entered the harsh winter months when the tide would make it impossible to move west. So, we took our hanging tents from the willow trees and tied them to our backs. It depends where in the country you are; yesterday we had to walk for 2 hours before finding trees that were high enough to set up our camp. ”

What will happen when the landscape has an equal voice in our daily motion?
A speculative scenario exploring the transitional area between two communities. One being the future tidal landscape of the Netherlands, one being us; the human in it.