Remembrance to be//Herinnering aan zijn

Performative installation, Atelier ARTPLAATS, 2023

Materials: willow trees, sugar, baking soda, soils and seeds

Drinking in soil water, I swell, burst my coat and send a rootling down deep into the ground. When my root is secure my stem bends to the shape of a hook and elbow its way up. Rising from the black soil I’m blinded by the brightness, feeling your heat, endlessly present. As the inky darkness swallows the light I rest. But when you kindly share your warmth I undergo the transformation of time, over and over.  Craving for your tempting beams I get too greedy and erupt into flames. My body slowly melts and merges with the soil, finding a liquid shape. Feeding the body of the world with my own, I will be endlessly present.

An alchemistic laboratorium as an allegory to make the invisible of the potential for earthly cycles visible. Maybe this way we could enrichen our perspective towards our own decay and find peace
within impermanence?